Microlocation — Significance for real estate valuation and demand
What does microlocation mean? - The definition
Die microlocation describes the immediate vicinity of a property and differs from the macro-situation that covers the region in a wider sense. The word “micro” comes from Greek and means “small” or “close.” Microlocation focuses on direct location factors that strongly influence buyers and tenants in their decisions. These include infrastructure, noise pollution, security and cultural facilities. Demand preferences depend on the target group: While students, for example, usually prefer a central location, seniors place more value on quiet, green environments.
Important factors for microlocation
The quality of a microlocation results from many individual and site-specific factors. Typical aspects include:
- Orientation and outlook of the property
- Noise and odour emissions: Traffic noise or emissions from commercial enterprises and construction sites
- Transport connection: Close to public transportation and major roads
- Safety and crime: Less crime increases the attractiveness of the neighborhood
- Everyday facilities: Shopping facilities, pharmacies and restaurants in the immediate vicinity
- leisure activities: Access to parks, sports facilities, cultural offerings and playgrounds
- educational institutions: Accessibility of schools, kindergartens and universities
- environmental factors: air quality, green spaces and potential natural hazards such as flood risks
- infrastructure projects: Planned or ongoing construction projects that can influence value and attractiveness in the long term
Another important point is the social environment, which is often perceived subjectively, but can strengthen the sense of community and influence the decision for or against a location.
Micro-location compared to macro-location
Die Macro situation differs from the microsituation in its overall regional analysis. While the macro situation comprises economic power, purchasing power and demographic development of a region, the micro situation focuses on the immediate vicinity of an object. The macro situation defines the price range of real estate, the micro location, where a specific object is located within the price range. Ideal properties combine the advantages of micro and macro locations, which often leads to higher purchase and rental prices.
Relevance of microlocation when buying real estate
The microlocation has a direct influence on Purchase price, demand and rentability a property. The more suitable the microlocation is to the preferences of the buyer or tenant, the higher is the willingness to buy or rent a property. A good microlocation ensures stable rental income in the long term, as fluctuation is lower and tenants are more willing to stay in the long term. Micro-location also plays a decisive role for investors: If a property is located in an attractive environment, the chances of a positive return and long-term increase in value increase increase.